Life After High School: Interview with Jessica Reik

Chapter 3 of my blog-to-book project, Life After High School: Secrets To A Successful Life By Those Who Have Had Twenty Years To Think About It (or) What They Didn’t Teach Us Gen Xers In High School, continues with the second of three interviews. Today we get a look at a strong woman who has had to endure, Jessica Reik. If you missed the last post, click here, otherwise, you can start at the beginning here.

Jessica Reik

(Formerly Jessica Hoyt)

Anacortes, WA

My Life In High School

Jessica Hoyt 1996

Who were you in High School and how did you feel about it?

I was basically classified as a “stoner” in high school but was friends with everyone. I was happy with who I was.

What did you think your life would become when you graduated?

I thought I’d move away and travel.

My Life After High School

Jessica Reik

What happened in your life to you, for you, and by you in the last twenty years (how have you used your time and who have you become)?

I married, had two wonderful boys, was betrayed after 16 years of marriage, then obviously divorced. My marriage and divorce is something you see on a made-for-tv-movie and will someday be a book. Even though I lived it, I still can’t believe it. Now I am a single mom and I take great joy in watching my boys play various sports and grow into amazing young men. My children are my whole world.

My Life Lessons

What were the major life lessons and wisdom that you gained during your journey over the last 20 years?

Trust your gut….always.

Letter To My High School Self

If you could write your 18-year-old self (or however old you were when you graduated) a letter, and send it back in time, what would you say? What lessons, wisdom, encouragement, or warnings would you give yourself?

I would tell myself nothing. Everything I have experienced and every lesson I have learned was necessary to get to where I am now. It may have been a tough road, but I regret nothing.

In the next installment, we will visit with fellow classmate Jesse Schenk.


Are you from Generation X? I want to hear what you think! Please comment below and participate in the conversation about What They Didn’t Teach Us Gen Xers In High School. What do you wish someone told you when you were eighteen?

Picture of Jesse Stoddard

Jesse Stoddard


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